• CCPrep’s elite tutors are carefully selected from students at UC Irvine and top seniors from local high schools. Many past tutors now attend elite campuses, including Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Princeton, and others. We offer individual tutoring, or a small group of 2-3 classmates…more…

    School Subject Tutoring via Zoom
  •   CCPrep has been providing popular and successful AP Review Courses since 2009. We now provide prep for 16 different AP Courses and in recent years we’ve averaged 450 registrants from over 15 different high schools in our courses. The goal of these review courses is a simple one: that every student in the room earns… …more…

    AP Review Sessions
  •   “Physics is the foundation of all science. If you understand physics, you understand science”   This one-of-a-kind course introduces strong physics fundamentals to students in a never before seen way: conceptually. And the best part? No math. Most education programs and school curriculums teach science using complicated math equations first and then try it… …more…

    An Introduction To Physics, The Feynman Way

ACTs. APs. College Essays. Practice Tests. SATs. Tutoring. All in One Place.

CCPrep is Orange County’s comprehensive destination for all the support services students could need for their high school classes, SAT/ACT tests, and college essays/applications.

Our mission is to help each student achieve his or her own academic potential by providing quality support services for every step on the road to college. In this pursuit, CCPrep values not only knowledgeable staff and comprehensive programs, but also a fun and relaxed atmosphere that aims to take the stress out of the college preparation process.